7 results - Apartment for rent in Vétroz

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  • 66bfa377bdf9c786e6d769670a0a21ea0e8788640dfc4eace9a2a0234e641c0f569665a7eed39edd506170590db682f6fa59004b19eb422f0bd9d7f65bbe0fe5.jpg
1 / 12
CHF 2,280.– / month
6.5 rooms 126m² living space
1963 Vétroz

Joli duplex lumineux dans un quartier calme

Découvrez cet appartement spacieux et lumineux de 6,5 pièces, avec un agencement en duplex, située dans un quartier résidentiel paisible. Avec une superficie totale de 130 m², ce joli duplex propose cinq chambres confortables et deux salles de bains, idéales pour accueillir une grande famille. Cet appartement est loué avec une place de parc souterraine ainsi qu'une cave.Au premier niveau, vous serez accueilli par un salon spacieux et lumineux avec cheminée, une salle à manger, une cuisine entièrement équipée et une salle de bains avec baignoire. L'espace buanderie avec lave-linge et sèche-linge y a été prévu pour votre plus grand confort, tout comme le long balcon idéalement placé pour admirer la vue panoramique sur les Alpes valaisannes et vous détendre en profitant du chant des oiseaux. Le deuxième niveau mansardé avec ses magnifiques poutres apparentes est composé de cinq chambres lumineuses ainsi que d'une salle d'eau avec douche.Situés dans un quartier résidentiel calme, vous pourrez profiter de la tranquillité des environs tout en étant à proximité de toutes les commodités. Cet appartement est un véritable havre de paix, idéal si vous cherchez un endroit calme et apaisant tout en étant proche de la ville.N'hésitez pas à nous contacter et à nous transmettre votre dossier complet pour organiser une visite de ce charmant duplex.

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Additional information


The population of Vétroz has grown to 6,510 over the past 3 years. This equates to a population increase of 1.75%.

Demographic data

The average annual income level is CHF 65,480. 15.06% of the population have a university degree, 8.48% have completed higher vocational training, 45.85% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship), 30.6% of residents are currently enrolled in compulsory education and 0.02% of the population provided no information on their highest level of education. According to the data, this is an area with high social standards and an educated population. 1.81% of the population is presently unemployed.


The tax rate for the residential area is 13.07%. It differs from person to person and is based on aspects such as actual income, marital status and the amount of deductions. In Vétroz, childless, unmarried people pay an average of 20.05% tax, a retired, married couple pays 17.76%, a married couple with two children pays 7.08% and a childless couple pays 12%.

Summary of the property market

New construction

171 new apartments have been constructed in Vétroz in the last 5 years. Of these new apartments, a total of 4 apartments have exactly one room. There are also a total of 11 new 2-room apartments. What's more, 33 3-room apartments and 57 4-room apartments have been added to the local housing stock in recent years. The available housing stock was also expanded to include 43 5-room apartments and 23 apartments with at least 6 rooms. Given the high number of large apartments in Vétroz, it is certainly a desirable place for families to live.

Housing stock

As a result of the construction of new dwellings, the amount of housing available in Vétroz has increased, and there are now a total of 2,954 apartments. A total of 83 1-room apartments are available on the housing market. The total number of properties amounts to 203 apartments with 2 rooms, 520 apartments with 3 rooms and 959 apartments with 4 rooms. There are 879 5-room apartments and 310 large apartments with at least 6 rooms.

Empty apartments

In Vétroz, 3.36% of apartments are uninhabited. Consequently, 7.23% of the 1-room apartments, 6.9% of the 2-room apartments, 5.01% of all 3-room apartments, 2.92% of 4-room apartments and 1.48% of 5-room apartments are unoccupied. The vacancy rate is 2.11% for apartments with more than 5 rooms and 3.88% for apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Housing market (letting only)

Rental properties are offered at an average price of CHF 1,286 per month. In terms of the available rents, a quarter of them are equivalent to or lower than a monthly rent of CHF 1,100. Additionally, 75% of all monthly rents are less than or equal to CHF 1,495.