1 result - Apartment for rent in Venthône

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1 / 6
CHF 3,020.– / month
6.5 rooms 160m² living space
3973 Venthône


Ce petit immeuble est situé au calme et vous promet un repos loin du quotidien dans un quartier ensoleillé de Venthône. Vous accédez à votre appartement depuis le garage, par l'ascenseur ou en montant quelques marches au premier étage. L'appartement spacieux dispose de 4 chambres, d'une cuisine ouverte avec beaucoup d'espace et d'un salon lumineux orienté vers le sud. La salle de bains avec douche, WC et lavabo a été récemment rénovée. Le balcon orienté vers le sud offre une vue magnifique sur la nature et la vallée ensoleillée du Rhône. Un grand compartiment dans la cave et un local à chaussures à l'étage complètent votre bien-être.Cette offre de BETTERHOMES se caractérise par les avantages suivants: - situé au calme- 4 chambres à coucher spacieuses- salon lumineux- cuisine ouverte et bien équipée- salle de bain avec douche, WC, lavabo récemment rénovée- beau balcon avec vue sud sur la vallée du Rhône- garage Boîte individuelle- parking extérieur inclus- compartiment de cave- etc., etc., etc. ...Intéressé? Contactez-nous pour une visite sans engagement - visite en ligne également possible!Rien qui correspond? Vous trouverez plus de 2'300 autres objets sur: www.betterhomes.ch - Le spécialiste suisse des transactions immobilières.Vous avez un bien immobilier à commercialiser?Profitez de notre savoir-faire: https://www.betterhomes.ch/fr/profiterVous souhaitez connaître la valeur de votre bien immobilier?Découvrez sa valeur dès maintenant grâce à notre estimation gratuite, immédiate et sans engagement!https://www.betterhomes.ch/fr/knowledge/estimationPlus détailsSituation: quartier calme à Venthône sur la périphérie Sierre-Montana.Etat du bâtiment: biennon fumeurSalles de bain: 2 (1 x douche / WC / lavabo , 1 x WC / lavabo)Système de chauffage: GasTransport publics: funiculaire, 500 m / Bus Sierre-Crans-Montana, 500 mEcole: école primaire, 500 mCommerces: Edelweiss-Market / Salon de thé, 500 m

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Additional information


The number of residents in Noble-Contrée has risen by 2.73% in the past 3 years, to 4,635 inhabitants.

Population statistics

On average, people earn CHF 70,970 annually. 19.21% of residents are currently completing compulsory education, 42.74% have an SEK II qualification, 17.3% have a higher vocational education qualification and 20.77% of the population hold a university degree.

0.97% of the population is currently unemployed.


The area has an overall tax rate of 12.82%. The actual share of tax paid varies from person to person and depends on factors such as current income, marital status, the amount of deductions and so on. Married couples on a pension (over 65) pay an average of 17.41% tax in Noble-Contrée, couples with two children 6.92% and married couples without children 11.76%%. The tax burden for an unmarried person with no children is 19.72%.

Summary of the property market

New construction

Noble-Contrée has seen the construction of 135 new apartments over the last 5 years.

14 apartments with 2 rooms have also been built. In addition, 32 3-room apartments and 31 4-room apartments have been added to the pool of housing available locally in recent years. 46 apartments with 5 rooms and 12 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms have been added to the supply on the housing market.

Housing stock

The new builds have created additional living space in the region. There are a total of 2,290 apartments in Noble-Contrée. The number of 1-room apartments totals 78. Additionally, there are 222 apartments with 2 rooms, 432 apartments with 3 rooms and 739 apartments with a full 4 rooms. There are 552 5-room apartments and 267 large apartments with 6 or more rooms.

Empty apartments

4.46% of apartments in Noble-Contrée are vacant. This means that 17.95% of the 1-room apartments, 7.21% of the 2-room apartments, 6.26% of the apartments with 3 rooms, 4.2% of the apartments with 4 rooms and 1.81% of all 5-room apartments are presently uninhabited. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 1.71%; 1.5%% of this value applies to apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Property market (rental only)

The average cost for rental flats is CHF 1,295 per month. 25% of all rents on the market are below a monthly rent of CHF 1,000, or they are equivalent to this amount (25th percentile). 75% of monthly rents are lower than CHF 1,550 (75th percentile), or they are equal to this average price.